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Cheap Offer Usb To Ide Sata Hard Drive Duplicator - Unidupdock Before Too Late

If you are looking for reviews about duplicator, then this is where to find it. Usb To Ide Sata Hard Drive Duplicator - Unidupdock might be your best choice. Read this review and buy it by clicking the button below right now before this promotion ends. Current price is 172.41 . Clone any combination of 2.5in or 3.5in IDE or SATA hard drivesThe UNIDUPDOCK Universal SATA/IDE Dual Hard Drive Duplicator functions as both a convenient solid state (SSD) or hard drive (HDD) copying/imaging solution or an external SATA/IDE SSD or HDD docking station for 2.5in or 3.5in drives (SATA, SATA II, SATA III) .Providing quick, yet complete hard drive cloning functionality, this universal dock can operate as a standalone HDD duplicator with no connection to a host computer, delivering an exact 1 to 1 clone of the target hard drive including partition and boot sector information, the Host Protected Area (HPA) as well as user data at a copy rate of 72 MB/sec A built in LCD screen then allows ...